Stephen F Austin to Unknown, 01-21-1836

Summary: Financial statement of Austin, Archer, and Wharton.

Financial Statement—(No. 1)

Dr. The Commissioners of Texas in a/c with the Treasury Department of Texas.


January 11. To amount of Loan of 11th January of $100,000. 10%___________________$20,000.00

" " " Donation of Messrs Yates and Mclntyre, by A. J. Yates________ 125.00

" " " Proceeds of Benefit from the Camp Street Theatre________________ 150.00

" 18 " Nett proceeds of Loan of 18th January $50,000_______________________ 40.000.00



January 21 To Balance on this day----22,708.50

The original vouchers of the foregoing Account are in the hands of the Commissioners ___________

E. E. New Orleans January 21. 1836________

January 11. By Draft of Dept. of Decr. 14, 1835, favr. of Jason Jerret________$________270.00

" " " Do " " " " of Bart. Pages _________________________867.00

" " "Cash paid Capt. Brown of Schooner Liberty for seamens wages— (Jany. 7, 1836)--------------------------------------------------200.00

" " " By Do. paid I. F. Wells, purser of Said Schooner Liberty ________________100.00

" " " Do. paid Tickets at Benefit of the Camp Street Theatre ___________________________150.00

" " " Do retained by Commissioners for private expences____________________600.00

" " " Do paid A. Huston, Quarter Master of Texas Army__________________7000.00

" " " Do " " " for 250 bbls. flour______________2000.00

" " " Do " John A. Wharton, Adutant General______________4000.00

" 12 " Do " F Wells, purser of Schooner Liberty for outfit etc________2500.00

" " " Do " New Orleans Committee balance due on the outfit of first Volunteers to Texas______________800.00

" " " Do. paid for brass 6 pound cannon 695 lbs a 30c ___________208.50

" " " Do. " transportation across the river of cannon_____________________2.00

" 14 " Do. " Gregory Byrne on purchase of Schooner "Ingham"____1000.00

" 15 " Do. " I Bledsoe as a compensation for services in favor of Texas ___________________100.00

" 20 " Do. " J A. Wharton, Adjutant General_____________________________1500.00

" 18 " Do. " Capt. C. E. Hawkins (advance wages)____________________500.00

" 20 " Do. " " J M. Allen on Gen. S. Houston order for the recruiting service of Texas_____________________4000.00

" " " Do. " A Huston, Quarter Master, for his Dept_______________7000.00

" " " Do " Mrs. Peyton's draft, on assumsit of Council_______________133.00

" 21 " Do " G Bryne on purchase of Schooner "Ingham"_______4000.00

" " " Do " B T. Archer, M W. Smith 1st Lieut, of Cav___$150.

O D. McAlister " Recg

Service ____________________150.

Thos. P. Erwin Sergt- Schooner Liberty____100.


" " " Do " A J. Yates expences to New York_______________200.00

" " " Do " Two Manifold writers for Commissioners________________36.00

Balance of Cash on hand this day..22708.50

New Orleans, January 21, 1836.

The foregoing balance, as within stated of $22,708 50/100 has been disposed of as follows:

Deposited in the Bank of Orleans subject to the orders of the Govt. of Texas_____________________10.000

Deposited in said bank subject to the orders of Wm Bryan agt. of Texas to provide for fitting out the Schooner independence and other cash claims____________10,000

retained by the Commissioners for contingencies___________________________________________________2,708.50


S. F. Austin [Rubric]

June 14

Recd. on loan in N York _______________________________$5000

Deposited with Wm Bryan Texas agent in N. Orleans__________________________$5000