Mexico 15th February 1836
Colo. S F Austin
[A paragraph concerning Land in Texas is omitted.]
A word about things and matters there has bin letters Red here from
Mahere 14th Jny that he had left Texus in disgust that he found out that
there was Two parties one wished to declare for Independen free of the
Mexican government and the other for the constitution of 24—the former
was gaining ground and would Succead there fore he Could not have aney
more to do with the Ta ha ners [Tejanos]— paddre Puchey has Rote a
letter to santanner which has bin published he Sayes he went there to
settle his lands but found Such a Set of Villians and Rasculs that he could
not Stay there and wishes to return and have an interview with him
that he was in all the Secrets of the Rebbles of Texus (Cant his damd Scalp
be Taken of) letters has been Red in Town dated Sotillo 1st Inst, that the
bigg man Rote he was to leave the next day for Baher and would arrive
in all this month with 7 thousand Troopes he goes the upper Rode to
baher Cant the grass be burnt before his march so that his Stock may live
well and Expedite his march Cant all the stock be drove a cross the
Coloraw and if nesary a cross the brasoes So that they may have a plenty of
provisions a head of the armery this would be adviseble by all means
provided there was not a Sufficient number of the boys Together to Receve
him politely at the Noases or some of the Swamps he has to pass Cant the
Commanches help him on by driveing of Some of the Caveyards on the
Route and by that means lessen the bigg mans Expences on the Rout for he
will want money there is no doubt I am Satisfied that there is but little
preparation to send much on to him in the Luse [Luz] of Last night
there is a Report from Some General that at Meare he had captured Ex
Colo. Gonsales with some mexicans and there bagage this officer is
destined for Golead and he Rote he has began to make the Rebbels of Texus
feel his Vengeance I think you may Calculate To See me in all april
unless Some thing Takes place I am at this time Not aware of at this time
all is quiet here but business is very bad I have sold out and will wind up
as quick as possible wishing you Success no more at presint
No Letters can Reach me in my own Name at this place
[H. J. Offutt]
[Addressed:] Colo. S, F, Austin New Orleans
[Readdressed:] Washington City