J Morgan to Stephen F Austin, 12-07-1836

Summary: Sending him some oranges grown on his place

Anahuac Decr. 7th' 1836.—

Dear Sir,

By Mr. Richardson I have sent over a few oranges, which were gathered from my grove near N. Washington, a few days since; one of which you will please accept, as I think you requested me to send it.— I should have sent more, but it was inconvenient to carry them in saddle bags you know, where a traveller has so much other luggage to carry in so small a space.— I have directed Mr. R to hand one to Mrs. McKinstry likewise, which she will please accept, not as a rarity or curiosity, but because it is the production of Texas.— I shall endeavor to send a few to N. York to satisfy the people there that Texas can produce the fruits of the tropics as well as cotton and grain.—

J Morgan

Genl. S. F. Austin.